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Update : 2024-05-02 13:33:07
Wholesale prices
Currency Purchase Sale
Czech crownCzech crown CZK0.17070.1748
Detal price
Currency Purchase Sale
Czech crownCzech crown CZK
Coins (USD dolar : banknotes 1 $)
Currency Purchase Sale
Czech crownCzech crown CZK
We issue the evidence of buying and selling currencies for companies

Czech koruna exchange rate

Czech koruna exchange - wholesale and retail prices, purchase and sale of coins. The Czech currency is another popular means of payment exchanged at our point. This is mainly related to short trips. You can notice that the closer you get to the border, the more you can meet our southern neighbor, and Poles are also often guests in the Czech Republic.

Směnárna is the translation of the word Kantor, but in order to avoid unnecessary costs related to currency exchange in the Czech Republic, where the exchange rate is not so favorable, before your planned departure, please visit our point where you can negotiate the price, which is related to the amount of exchangeable currency. Wholesale prices always apply to amounts above PLN 10,000. Visit our point or call us.

Najtańsza korona czeska w Katowicach

Aktualne banknoty

awers 5000 czk
rewers 5000 czk
awers 2000 czk
rewers 2000 czk
awers 1000 czk
rewers 1000 czk
awers 500 czk
rewers 500 czk
awers 200 czk
rewers 200 czk
awers 100 czk
rewers 100 czk
The exchange rates do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the law and may be interpreted only as information.
© 1989 - 2023 Exchange office Grand Katowice